Sunday, October 16, 2011

Upon Request.... are more pics of my puppy. I am still deciding on a name, It is between Frankie and Maximus. What is your vote?

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Today, I bought....


Isn't he so cute? He is only five weeks so I am going to have to wait 3 more weeks til I can take home with me, but I can visit him all I want until then. I do need some name suggestions though, so if any of you have any ideas please let me know.
Thanks, Bye

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

From the Mouths of Babes

One of the things I have been doing in my classroom this year to encourage spontaneous verbal communication between students is show and tell. The kids love this and cannot wait until it is their week to bring a toy to show and tell their peers about. A couple of weeks ago, one of the boys brought a little girl fairy, that was a barbie type toy. After he told us a few things about it, it was the other students turn to ask him questions about his toy. The following conversation took place, and although I do not agree with it, I still find it hilarious and worthy of sharing.

A: showing the fairy. " Any Crystalballs?" (For some reason, no matter how many times we correct him this is how he asks his friends if there are any questions).

Other Student "Does it drive?" (This is a very common question, that is asked at least once per toy, even though it is obvious that the object being shown does not have any wheels, or any of the other necessary tools to make it so an object can drive).

A: In complete shock that this question would even be asked "NO! Women's DON'T drive!"

All the adults in the room, which were all women and one of which happened to include A's mom, who had driven A to school that day, busted up laughing. I guess even young children pick up on stereotypes at a young age.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


My life hasn't had much that has been blog worthy lately. While I have been staying busy and enjoying my time, there just hasn't been much to blog about. And there still isn't, but I am blogging about this anyway. This weekend I was really bored as the majority of my friends were either out of town/studying for finals/with family, I found myslf looking for something that I could change up and keep me busy for awhile. So, I decided to do something with my bedroom. I went shopping and found stuff to hang on my walls.

For some reason I really like bird decor lately. So when I saw these I just had to get them. Once I got it all hung I stepped back and looked at it. I then realized my bed looked rather plain. I had nothing else going on so why not go look for some cute pillows? A couple hours later and too much money later this is the final result

pilllows, pillows, pillows and more pillows.What do you think? I LOVE the way my bed turned out, but I am not so sure about the wall anymore. Oh well, it is going to have to stay that way for awhile now.
It is spring break this week! I have the rest of the week off. On Thursday I am headed to St. George for a girls weekend with the girls in my family. I am so excited for this! I am not sure what I am going to do the next two days until then, since most people are still at school or work during the day. I am looking for another project but this next one needs to be cheap. (because decorative pillows aren't). I did buy a pumice stone. Maybe I will go pumice my feet now.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Apparently I look like a boy

This is a conversation I had with my nephew, Sam while I was in Colorado watching him over the weekend. It was just too funny not to share.

Sam, in disgust: "Amber, grow out you hair so that you can get a boyfriend!"

Me, trying not to laugh: "Sam, sometimes girls have short hair. Like your mom, she has short hair."

Sam: "Yeah, but she looks like a girl."

Monday, February 14, 2011

Weekend with the Erickson's

I was able to take some time of off work and spend the weekend with these cute kids, and dog, while their parents took a little trip out of the country.

I had a blast! those kids are so fun! We stayed busy and I was exhausted and ready for bed at 9 every night.
We wrestled, tickled, went swimming, went to a movie, had our own superbowl party, made and decorated cupcakes, and much more that I can't think of right now.

Monday, January 17, 2011


Clint and I went to the Guster concert this past weekend. We had a blast and enjoyed listening to some of their new stuff as well as their old stuff.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

My New Years Resolution.

" Charity is having patience with someone who has let us down. It is resisting the impulse to become offended easily. It is accepting weaknesses and shortcomings. Is accepting people as they truly are. It is looking beyond physical appearance to attributes that will not dim through time. It is resisting the impulse to categorize others"