Since i stink at blogging lately here is a quick look of what i have been up to the past month or so:
*I went to my friends Ricky Hacking and Neil Aaboshama's stand up comedy show at Wiseguys. I forgot how funny these two are and now i miss them and wish that I could see them more often.
*I ate at Smashburger with clint for the first time. I love the beehive burger.
*I finally saw Avatar-and I actually kind of liked it.
*My old bishopric got released. I was able to attend my old ward and catch up with some old friends, chat with the members of the bishopric, who I miss terribly, and then later in the week i went with some friends to a party held in the bishopric's honor and chatted with them some more.
*I've been preparing to run a 5k, and was doing really well at running on the river trail and then i got sick and ever since then I have not been doing so well at running.
*Recently I have also seen Robin hood, Ironman 2 and Letters to Juliet.
*I made Cafe Rio's sweet pork, lime rice and house dressing for some friends. It was AMAZING! And I made it!
*I broke my Dell computer, so I bought a Mac to replace it. LOVE IT!
*Now I am in debt.
*Me and my friend Katie got attacked by a bird at work.
*I went to Star Valley for my nephew Jake's baptism
*I went to Colorado Springs for my nephew Caleb's baptism.
* My friends at work have got me watching the tv show "the big bang theory". It is super nerdy but super funny.
*Me and a group of friends went to Texas Road house--their rolls are delicious.
*My friend Bryant served his mission in Japan, and he and Tina talked me into going to an authentic Japenese restaurant. It was umm....interesting, and I need to work on my chop stick skills.
*I was sick for about a week. I finally went to the doctor and found out that I had 103 degree fever, bronchitis, and a sinus infection.
*I went to 7 peaks yesterday. I had a lot of fun with my family but I got sunburnt pretty bad and i can hardly move today.
*Hence this boring blog post.
*Hence The end of this post
1 week ago
Not to mention your Star Wars watchings....
Kinda of funny to read that you made your Cafe Rio sweet pork. I did so as well..I'm missing something...oh well. I did NOT share mine though. ;)
How was letter to Juliet? I want to see that one and Robin Hood. sounds like your blog should be "busy and busier!" hahha
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