Wednesday, March 3, 2010

why is it that....

every time i have a problem with my ipod or computer or anything electronic, I cannot for the life of me get it to work? But when i take said ipod or computer to a guy all he has to do is touch it and it will work. I mean this is after i spent an hour searching the internet looking up how to restart my ipod because it is not turning on. According to google all I have to do is push the toggle back and forth while holding down the center and menu button simultaneously. Trying without succcess to restore it and finally getting so frustrated with it I threw it on the floor and walked away. The next day I took it up to Clint's and what does he do? He pushes the toggle back and forth, pushes the center and menu button down simultaneously and guess turned on! HE DID THE EXACT SAME THING I DID! This isn't only a one time occurrence either. I swear this is how it always goes.

Oh well hopefully someday electronics will work properly for me. I can alway hope right?


Anna Linnea said...

I feel your pain...

Leanne said...

good luck with that!