Monday, January 11, 2010

I've been Creatin'

This is the very first quilt that I made...

I started it at the age of 1o and I finished it at the age of 18.By the time I was done I hated it. It was too little girl for me.

This is the quilt that i just finished....
Here a couple of close ups of the squares....

This quilt only took me a year, but in all fairness to me it was only a couple of months of me working on it when I had time on Saturdays. I finished sometime in February/march-ish but didn't get around to binding it til my Christmas break last month. I love how it turned out. My mom taught me how to do it, trust me I wouldn't dare take this on alone. Thanks for all your help Mom! I will be starting another quilt soon. I got the fabric for it for Christmas and I love the colors on it.


Anna Linnea said...

I need to live closer to mom :(

Tako-Ayako said...

Those are so pretty, Amber!

Leanne said...

Those are so cute! I did not know that you quilt? I love the one you just did! Danny quilts too, not me. I am WAY too impatient to do something like that.