Maybe in Another 17 Years....
Last time I hiked Timp I was 10. I do not remember a lot about that hike except that I was tired and not very motivated to get to the top. My mom kept telling me lets just go to that tree, rock, bench etc and then we could stop. That is pretty much how it went until we were almost to the top. Once i saw the top i was motivated to keep going because i could see how close i really was. My brother T.J., who also has not hiked Timp thought that it would be fun to do over labor day weekend. so me, Kristie, Linnea, Caiden, Statyn and Spencer set off to do just that early saturday morning. Keep in mind that for the first two hours of hiking we got rained on. And anyone who knows me very well knows that my hair looks really awesome when it gets wet and i dont have anything to straighten it with.
The very beginning.
This was the only toilet on the whole trail....ewww gross and kinda funny
Yay we made it to the top!
We found this dog at the summit. We were able to get a hold of her owners and bring her back down the trail.
Some of my favorite sentence of the day are:
"It seemed easier when we kids."
"I dont think that it is really going to be worth it."
"Why do we consider this to be fun."
"Is this ever going to end."
Now that it has been a week since i hiked i can say that it was fun. I was really sore and could hardly walk the next day, and i still have blisters. It is such a long hike. I may never hike it again......or maybe i will in another 17 years.
ps see what i mean about awesome hair?
1 comment:
ps I totally see what you mean by the awesome hair! After a week, I to can say, "that was a lot of fun!" Thanks for the memories! See you in a few days.
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