2010 was a great year I had and did a lot of fun and neat things. Here is a list of just some of the most memorable:
I saw the Grand Tetons for the first time.
I went to Yellowstone, twice. Once with my family and once with friends
I saw my first bears in the wild.
I learned how to make home made chocolates.
I accidentally drowned two cameras this year; one in the washer, and the other in the Henry's Fork river in Idaho. However, the third one still survives!
I also broke my Dell computer. I replaced it with a Mac, which I like much better.
I went to Strawberry days for the first time. The Strawberries and cream that you get there amazing.
I was ran off the road by a diesel and hit a construction cone. My car only suffered minor damaged and was quickly fixed.
I went to The Chocolate for the first time. DELSIH!
I got my first sewing machine.
I became THE favorite Aunt!
I got the job I had been hoping and praying for.
I went canoeing and we tipped the canoe.(This is how I drowned camera number two.)
I tandem jumped off a bridge...not a smart idea, but it was fun for me.
i hiked to Shoshone lake
I saw the Broadway musical, The Lion King
I got attacked by a bird.
I survived THE "blizzard of 2010".
I watched all of the Indiana Jones, and Star Wars movies for the first and, probably only time in my life.
I went to Disneyland for the third time.
I panicked as my apartment flooded in the middle of the night.
I bought a queen size bed.
I went to Vegas.
I went to Bryce Canyon.
I canoed right past a moose and her baby.
I spent the day sledding up in Midway.
I attended two of my nephews baptisms.
I saw Safetysuit in concert.
I am sure there are many more things that I am forgetting. But you get the idea. It was a great year full of fun and adventure and I can't wait to see what 2011 has in store for me.
1 week ago