OK, remember from my last post When I said that I am horrible taking pictures. Well sadly it stands true for this post too. I have officially set a new goal to better at taking pictures. Over the weekend me and two of my friends went to California. We got there at 2am Friday morning and left at 2pm Sunday afternoon. We played a ton and got very little sleep (I do not think we got more than 4 hours a night). But there was just so much to do. We went to Disneyland, it was only my second time ever being there so the Paul and Ryan, who have been there many times became my tour guides. We went on a lot of really fun rides, and ate lots of really good food. We were at Disneyland for 15 hours, after that we were all exhausted and ready for sleep. 
Me and Paul on the tea cups.
We were at Disneyland for 15 hours, after that we were all exhausted and ready for sleep. We got back to house at 2:00 am only to get up Saturday morning and head to the wedge, which is a place known to have really big waves on Newport beach. The waves were HUGE. (The waves in the picture do not look nearly as big as they were ) There were probably 500 people standing on the beach on 5 people were crazy enough to try and surf these waves. The poor life guards looked so stressed out. We were only there for 45 minutes and we saw them rescue 2 or 3 of the surfers.